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This informative 1-day seminar will cover; Explosives for Investigators and Crime Scene Forensics.

This course, while being presented by the police, is not restricted to law enforcement investigators and is open to all public and private sector investigators as well as insurance investigators.
The training day will conclude with a Case Study on the Edmonton Armoured Car IED attacks.
A written exam will follow.

Your lead facilitator will be Steve Maertens-Poole who will be joined by presenters from the EPS Crime Scene Unit.

Steve Maertens-Poole – Steve has over 25 years of policing experience with the Edmonton Police Service. During his tenure, he has worked in a variety of units including Patrol and Swat and the Explosive Disposal Unit. Steve had been a bomb tech for 15 years and an Arson Detective for the last 5 years. Steve brings a unique perspective that includes explosive breaching, render safe operations and post-blast and post-fire investigations. Steve has an MA in Homeland Security and is currently working on an MSc in Arson and Explosion Investigations from Oklahoma State University.
September 15th Registration: 08:00 Class time: 09:00 – 14:30

>>> The 2021 FIAA AGM will follow @ 15:00 <<<

Click here to see the course pdf.

** Update, we’ve fixed the payment issue with the website.

Please click here to purchase a ticket.

If there are any issues please call Glenda at 780-497-8610 or email gdales@mcsnet.ca, or Trevor Mistal at t.mistal@stonyplain.com to reserve a spot and we’ll arrange payment once we’ve sorted out the website 100%.


To have the FIAA member discount, it will be applied automatically if you are logged in and if you have an active membership.

Registration Deadline: September 10, 2021
FIAA members $225 / non-member $300

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